Legere Expressions of the New Age
This is profound information and can alter how you view your current reality. Kryon revealed in Cuzco, Peru, that there are three levels of awareness. The third level, is unreachable if you do not have an awareness of the first two. Is the planet ready...
“We join you with a game already in progress, for you have been in motion for some time. You have been playing a game with pretending to be a human with all your blindfolds on.” Multidimensional Choice ~ What Happens When I Choose? Steve Rother,...
“This is what social engineering is all about, creating an atmosphere where whatever meme or intentioned mechanism they wish to introduce into the ongoing narrative is most readily received. It has long been known that a state of anxiety and fear is most conducive to...
By Sophie McAdam at trueactivist.com Damon makes some crucial points in this passionate rant against the system, and what he calls a “topsy-turvy” world. “I start from the supposition that the world is topsy turvy. That things are all wrong,” begins actor and writer Matt Damon in...
“The mind and the brain are one and the same. In fact, consciousness itself is merely a bi-product of our central nervous system. This is the common assertion from modern science – consciousness is a sideshow of biology, unimportant and playing no active role in...
We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is dying. According to brand new numbers that were just released by the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all workers in the United States make less than $30,000 a year. Let that number...
Why is the economy still in the doldrums after 6 years of zero rates and three rounds of Quantitative Easing? Is it possible higher wages would get the economy back on track? After all a healthy economy is a consumer driven one. The Case for...
“[The] lack of upward mobility has jeopardized middle-class Americas basic bargain that if you work hard, you have a chance to get ahead. (from Obama’s May appearance on David Letterman)” The Middle Class? How do you define middle class? Is In this article by Alan...
“Being born a human being on this abundant planet shouldn’t be an automatic lifelong sentence to forced labor to pay off unreasonable debts which you did not incur.” Winning Your Freedom in 3 Ways And say goodbye to the bank. Does your paycheck run out...
The Age of Shocking Revelations? It seems to me more and more of us are awakening to the truth. Light is being cast upon the con to which we have been living for a long time. People are realizing they had been had. Enough is...