Hypertension, Mass Hysteria and the Imaginarium – Zen Gardner
“This is what social engineering is all about, creating an atmosphere where whatever meme or intentioned mechanism they wish to introduce into the ongoing narrative is most readily received. It has long been known that a state of anxiety and fear is most conducive to human entrainment. Manipulators have used this for eons when exercising their control systems on populations.”
Paris: An Alternate View.
This article by Zen Gardner, gives us an alternate, and a bit of a historical view on terrorism and what its real objective is. It is a “Strategy of Tension” designed to achieve political or military objectives.
According to WikiPedia, an alleged classified appendix to a US Army Field Manual describes top-secret counter insurgency tactics. In particular, it identifies a “strategy of tension” involving violent attacks which are then blamed on radical left-wing groups in order to convince allied governments of the need for counter-action.
In other words terrorism keeps us in line and the controllers get the planned result they are looking for.
Hypertension, Mass Hysteria and the Imaginarium
by Zen Gardner
Welcome to dystopia – where anything goes as long as it’s according to plan. Not a natural one, but a fabricated design. This obviously staged and protracted hysteria in Paris is the latest of a long line of manufactured events intended to throw humanity into complete disorientation and vulnerablity.
This is what social engineering is all about, creating an atmosphere where whatever meme or intentioned mechanism they wish to introduce into the ongoing narrative is most readily received.
It has long been known that a state of anxiety and fear is most conducive to human entrainment. Manipulators have used this for eons when exercising their control systems on populations. Today in this full spectrum war on humanity they use the term “strategy of tension” in the geopolitical realm. This is the modus operandi of intelligence agencies as exemplified in the infamous Operation Gladio set in place in Europe following WW2, provocateurs of which have since been behind virtually every supposed terror attack dating back to the 40’s in order to keep Europe destabilized.
This is now a global phenomenon because it apparently works so well.
Paris is just such an attack. The ensuing war propaganda and mandated weapons budget increases tell you exactly who is behind these attacks, along with the state crackdowns on citizens that also accompany each of these operations. 9/11 is the most glaring example, and is apparently the template they’ve since followed due to its enormous effectiveness. The Paris operation mimicked it almost to a T.
Media madness overload is once again suffocating the airwaves, and it has a very profound effect. This is why they have to prop up and reaffirm this massive scare tactic by filling the streets with military assets, images of which are plastered around the world. Curfews and extreme control measures are concurrently set in place to further buttress this meme.
This gives it all a sense of tactile reality and massively reinforces the so-called reality they’ve imposed.
What happens with these crushing onslaughts of propaganda and shows of force over time is a kind of mental and psychological weariness and even breakdown, causing further acquiescence to the maneuvers of the state. This is why those who haven’t been armed ahead of time with how these minions operate become even more adamant that all of this manufactured nonsense is real and that the wars and controls are justified, despite that fact of it being staged is so glaringly obvious to the informed.
Add to this the so-called onslaught of middle eastern migrants, supposedly infiltrated by mad murderers capable of such carnage as the Paris event. The US, of course, is further hyping this hysteria in every way possible, including saying ISIS is targeting a myriad of US cities with even tactical nuclear weapons. And for some unknown reason, armed and guarded military bases are being “robbed” of their weapons and materials while others are simply “lost”.
Really? How people can fall for all of this escapes me.
Read the full story: http://www.zengardner.com/hypertension-mass-hysteria-imaginarium/
Images courtesy of Zen Gardner