Author: Don Legere


Conscious Awareness and the Quantum Shift

This is profound information and can alter how you view your current reality. Kryon revealed in Cuzco, Peru, that there are three levels of awareness. The third level, is unreachable if you do not have an awareness of the first two. Is the planet ready...

Multi dimensional Human 0

Multidimensional Choice ~ What Happens When I Choose?

“We join you with a game already in progress, for you have been in motion for some time. You have been playing a game with pretending to be a human with all your blindfolds on.” Multidimensional Choice ~ What Happens When I Choose? Steve Rother,...


Why the “Middle Class” is a Myth

“[The] lack of upward mobility has jeopardized middle-class Americas basic bargain that if you work hard, you have a chance to get ahead. (from Obama’s May appearance on David Letterman)” The Middle Class? How do you define middle class? Is In this article by Alan...