ISIL, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Dysfuntional Army

“There is darkness that has come together on this planet, and we told you it would. It is a response to the light that you have turned on. It is fighting for the life of old energy.” Kryon Channeling
The Rise and Fall of the Dark Army
Transcript by Don Legere
This is a transcript of a Kryon Channeling given on his recent Kundalini Tour 2015. This channel was the last one for The Kryon Kundalini Tour and was given in Cuzco, Peru. One day after the Paris attacks.
This Kryon channeling reads like it was taken from the imagination of J.J.R. Tolkien. Kryon will tell us the rise of ISIL was no accident. It is what Kryon predicted many years ago. It is the assembly of the dark and it is fighting for its life. Darkness has always had the upper hand on this planet, but it is about to end.
Funding and the Rise of the Dark Army
Kryon said there is funding in place for the dark that is coming from known sources.
President Putin recently revealed that ISIS is financed from 40 countries, including G20 members. Is this the wildcard Kryon talks about in this channeling? Or, is it one of the politician’s he has a warning for? Kryon also has an important message to American’s and their financial role in the rise of the dark forces.
There is a solution to ending terror on this planet and it does not have to involve death. International transparent forensic accounting is all it will take. A solution Kryon told us about before.
Enjoy and Share! Thank you.
Greetings, Dear Ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
The channel today has many energies. There is much unspoken that will be said through that which is the third language. The channel we give you today is for everyone. Everyone listening, everyone who might be reading. For what ever time and how many years its going to take.
We are at the end of the adventure called Kundalini. Kundalini Adventure is named as a metaphor. It is the birth of a new conciousness on the planet. It represents the procreation of newness. The birth of a child is so special and as seen as a beginning not the end. Birth is not seen as something dramatic and sad because of the potential that is there. New life is celebrated on the planet. That is the metaphor.
You have to understand the timing of the channel. We sit here as a group, in this time and something very fresh has just happened. It involves the compassion of the entire planet when we see what humans can do to humans. It was only yesterday, that the events in France took your breath away. The compassion is fresh, the tears for the deaths that is senseless is fresh. There is great suffering and lives will be changed forever.
What is your reaction to this? There is a table in front of me, which has been called an alter of compassion. The room is filled with old souls. They are emotionally touched easily. But they also have something else. So I want to dwell on this for a moment. And I want everyone to hear something.
You Are Transmitters of Energy
Dear Ones, as a human being in the chair can you affect anything around you? Are you a reciever of energy or a transmitter? Or Both?
Most of the planet feel they are simply recievers. They’re victims of whatever happens around them. The idea that they could change things with their conciousness is not in that which they believe. And dear ones, that is the change we are talking about.
We have spoken of the Awareness Levels and now I want you to use it. Old souls have tremedous energy and power in this time.
Have you seen the news? There are those who are carrying signs and wringing their hands in dispair. They’re saying that the old prophecies are correct the end is here. Its coming the signs are all around. But I have news for them. They might not understand this because they feel they are victims of whatever happens. Here’s the news. The end has come and gone, the beginning is here!
Time for Some Compassionate Action
Old souls who sit in front of me, its time for compassionate action. A small group of humans who come together with similar thoughts, who know that they are transmitters of energy, can help those left behind have peace over what has happened. There are thosuands of people right now who need to be hugged and held. They cannot believe what has happened, who feel that they are victims. And you can change that.
Long distance. From South America. Distance means nothing. It’s so linear you could reach out to them without knowing their name, and surround them with the glory of God. Souls are forever! They never die. Help them to understand this. Listen to them and don’t talk to them. Hug them be part of the healing that there needs to be now.
Begin Transmitting Love to Help Heal Sorrow
You are transmitters, and old souls do it very, very well. That’s what I want you to do right now. You’ve gone to class long enough I want you to graduate right now. Put this in to effect. God is inside. Now project that energy to others who need this compassion so that their sorrow will be a little bit less. They will feel you they won’t know what it is, or why it is, but there will be a peace they can have over their loss. And only when you get together as souls later will they be able to look at you and say I felt you that day. That was you. Thank You.
Can you do that? And that is the first part of this channel its the most important thing we can tell you. You can’t sit in the chair and listen to these concepts anymore without becoming part of what is happening on the planet.
The Rise of the Dark Army
Years ago, I gave you predictions. That the change that is coming will be different than anything you expected. There is darkness that has come together on this planet, and we told you it would. It is a response to the light that you have turned on. It is fighting for the life of old energy.
A conciousness of darkness has always prevailed on the planet. Corruption and greed. death, uncaring, has always been the way of human nature. Suddenly, in this precession of the equinoxes. The prophesies are starting to come true. The end of the Indiginous calendars predicted it, and its here. The metaphor is clear. Light is starting to be turned on. That is a metaphor for increased awareness of everything.
We told you in a channel many years ago. When everyone can talk to everyone there can be no secrets. We said this before the internet. And now you know what we speak of. It is a tool for you to actually correct the darkness. I will show you in a moment.
What I give you in this channel may seem impossible. Let me start at the beginning.
The Shift and the Assembly of the Dark
The Shift is upon you and the darkness is starting to assemble. Those who have no idea about any of this are starting to project their fears. And you are going to hear this. Here it comes, the end. We knew it. Its going to be a race war on the planet. Let me address that. That’s not new. How linear of you, that has been done before. Genocide of race to race; very, very old energy. Its not that at all.
Others will say its the end, its going to be religious war. Look there are billions of Christian and billions of Islam, and the Jews in between. Here it comes religious war. And I say to you oh how linear. That’s been the way of it forever.
Are you not aware that most of the wars on this planet have been in the name of God? How linear.
No no you’re going to see something more and different with a paradigm you never experienced. For the first time on this planet you have an army without borders, without a country and withour common languages even. It is the army of darkness. And its going to fight anything that has beauty, integrity light, freedom, higher thinking. It’s going to fight them all.
You would say to yourself Kryon how does this all fit in to a new world energy of light?
There are several ways I can explain it. The first is that humans have free choice. Does it really shock you that darkness would fight for survival?
Darkness is About Control
Darkness represents control, absolute control. Over everything, but mostly over money. When they lose even economies will shift. It would be far, far easier to put together unequal systems for the benefit of all. as long as they exist the darkness will fight for old energy where there was separation. and in the dark greed and corruption can excist easily. And in the light they cannot.
Dear ones this does not have anything to do with religion. Its the clash between dark and light. Let me tell you something that you may find contraversial. Darkness is not smart. The metaphor is this. If you illumninate an area you are more sensible how you navigate in it. You will do things that make sense. Integrity will be easier with the lights on, because no one threatens you anymore. You can see into the corners. You can see the similarities of human to human. When you are in darkness things that are common sense are not common sense. You might even say that darkness is dsyfuntional. You’d be right. Darkness is even stupid. And you’d be right.
Let me ask you a question, you see a beehive, a hive of bees and the bees are all buzzing around. You don’t like that. So you are going to take a giant stick. Stand in front of the beehive and beat on it. Do you think that is smart?
The Dark Army Is Dsyfunctional
That is exactly what has happened. And it is going to happen again, the dark army is dsyfunctional. It does not see what is coming. For it will continue to beat the beehive and it will do it all over the world.Not understanding that every time it does it, it exposes itself for what it is.
We gave you another prophecy years ago. No one is going to be able to sit on the fence in the new energy. There is no government that can sit and watch, because they will all be involved. They are going to have to make the decision to fight the darkness or not. And if they do not fight the darkness they are then vunerable to the dark army. We told you this years ago.
Dark Army is Seeding it’s Own Destruction
All governments of this planet will eventually be involved in eliminating the dark army. And when the dark army beats on the beehive, those who have been sitting on the fence will be ripped off and will see light and dark and make the decision. The dark army, by its actions are seeding its own destruction, because it does not understand light. It only understands one thing, fear.
A very, very old energy and it goes like this. If you can make people afraid you will win any battle. This is an old energy conciousness and there is truth to it, if your a victim. If you are a transmitter of light it won’t affect you. You will know better. Everyone on the planet will have to get off the fence to eliminate the dark army.
Defeating the Dark Army
Now we have told you before how to do it, and politicians will roll their eyes. Those in the inside of governmenat and who know how things work, will roll their eyes. You can eliminate the dark army without death. The very thing the’re afraid of losing, you can take from them now. Money.
How does a dark army work when they can’t eat? When they have no weapons? I guarantee you even the darkest member of a dark army will go home if they’re not fed, or their is no one around to organize them because they are not fed.
Impossible some say. The money is coming from unknown sources they say. So let me tell you something. No it isn’t. It is coming from very known sources and if these were exposed, there are those listening that need to hear this, if the sources were exposed, it would make a big difference.
Warning to Politicians
Let me talk to politicians. You’re sitting across the table from those who are other countries. Allies are smiling at you who are funding the dark side, and you’re ok with that? Its not going to last long and when it is found out you will be respondsible, becuase you knew it and did not do anything about it.
Kryon’s Message to Americans
I want to talk to Americans, because my partner is an American. I am going to tell you something now and you are not going to believe it. Your hard earned taxes are finding their way to the dark army, and there are those within your government who know it. I’ll give you an answer in just a few words, International Transparent Forensic Accounting. Interneational transparent forensic accounting.
It is time to clean up the funding of the dark. I have a warning for any of those in leadership who know it and are not doing anything about it. Your leadership days are numbered. The light is going to expose it and you will lose. Why not, get on the right side of the fence now?
The Wildcard!
Is this to high minded, to think that the world could come together and pull the rug out of the darkness, where they sit and the cocoon of money they are in? Could it be pulled out from under them? Watch for a wildcard!
Its up to you listening, not the ones in the room, the ones who may not even be into Kryon or channelling, to hear this and know I am right.
This is not a dark message. The beginning is here. Things are changing. You are witnessing the change. There will come a day when you will never see this again. And this is the joyful message I have for you today. History will remember these times, when the world finally got together and realized where they were going. It is tough. It changes the paradym of existence. Lives, governments, business will all start to understand the battle is theirs.
I want you to congratulate and understand those who were lost yesterday. I have said this before, their is nothing wrong with them the’re all right, they are looking back at you now. We have used the phrase before, they’re saying we did our part, now you do yours. They will return to this planet, all of them and participate in the beauty of light. Believe me. The end has already happened. This is the beginning.
I am in love with humanity because of what I have seen you do. I will be around a long time. And so it is.