Capitalism’s Fatal Flaws: A Call for an Alternative Economic System
“The first fatal flaw is great concentration of wealth in the hands of a few while half of the world languishes in poverty, hunger, and deprivation of basic and higher needs. This is what Chossudovsky (2003) termed as “the globalization of poverty” as the few elite in the business and intergovernmental institutions manipulate economic and financial forces globally which results to poverty of large and widespread sectors of the global population, even in countries considered as economically prosperous like US and China cialis kaufen.”
The “globalization of poverty.”
The flaws of capitalism and what to do about it.
In this article, by Dr. Belinda F. Espiritu, she explores three major flaws of neo-liberal capitalism. She states, “The ideological framework of neo-liberal economics or neo-liberal capitalism which drives economic globalization at present is fatally flawed in its belief in the freedom of the market, not in the freedom of people. This is what Chossudovsky (2003) termed as the globalization of poverty as the few elite in the business and intergovernmental institutions manipulate economic and financial forces globally which results to poverty of large and widespread sectors of the global population, even in countries considered as economically prosperous like US and China. The second fatal flaw of global capitalism is that the vast majority of investments are now made in speculation rather than production, which means that wealthy individuals prefer to gamble on ventures that offer the chance to earn big profits quickly such as the stock market, the futures market, real estate, currency trading, derivatives, etc. (Mahesvarananda, 2012).”
Call for an Alternative Economic System
To end the incredible human suffering we must end the exploitation of people and their natural environments. Corporations whose sole existence is to gain profits, expand markets and increasing consumption and production at the expense of the environment or people, must change. Otherwise they will fail.
Organizations who will be profitable are those that go beyond the price or profit as the determinant of economic behaviour. In other words. they have concern not only for profit, but for social, human and environmental values. Successful companies will base project decisions not only on profit but on the examination of the needs and welfare of society and the environment.
Neo-liberal Capitalism’s Fatal Flaws: A Call for an Alternative Economic System | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

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“The ideological framework of neo-liberal economics or neo-liberal capitalism which drives economic globalization at present is fatally flawed in its belief in the freedom of the market, not in the freedom of people. This is what Chossudovsky (2003) termed as the globalization of poverty as the few elite in the business and intergovernmental institutions manipulate economic and financial forces globally which results to poverty of large and widespread sectors of the global population, even in countries considered as economically prosperous like US and China. The second fatal flaw of global capitalism is that the vast majority of investments are now made in speculation rather than production, which means that wealthy individuals prefer to gamble on ventures that offer the chance to earn big profits quickly such as the stock market, the futures market, real estate, currency trading, derivatives, etc. (Mahesvarananda, 2012).”
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What you can do to see change
The best way to influence change is to vote with your dollars. Before you go out and make your next purchase do a little research. Products purchased from companies who do harm to people or their environment should be absolutely be avoided. In its place chose products, produce and services from companies who are sustainable and green. Go organic and go local.
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