The Promise of a New Humanity

“Our solar system is poised to intersect with a ribbon of high energy. This energy wave is new and humans have never experienced, nor are they prepared for what is about to occur by the end of March 2015.” Kryon, ( channelled by Lee Carol), provides an overview of what is about to occur in a channelling titled “Spiritual Evolution, the Coming Energy.”
Will 2015 provide undeniable evidence of mankind’s conscious evolution? Is 2015 the year we “corner the dark and push it away”? Is there hope for peace? Will humanity finally grow up and begin to work towards benevolent outcomes that satisfy the needs and welfare of society and the natural environment? Take the time to listen to what Kryon has to say, and know that peace and harmony may be just around the corner. Below I give a brief overview and my thoughts on this special time in human history.
The Mayan Calendar
According to the Mayan Calendar humanity is due for an upgrade in conciousness.
The Mayan Calendar has long been misunderstood and misrepresented, especially by main stream media. It is unique. It does not measure time. It measures the evolution of conciousness. Our consciousness as well as Gaia’s. The Mayan Calendar is not based on the astronomical movement of planets, and therefore, does not recognize or measure time. Dr. Carl Calleman states, “There is indeed massive evidence from the course of history that shifts in the Mayan calendar lie behind all evolution of human civilization and its significant changes in thinking and acting.”
He further say’s “It is a calendar unlike all others in that it is not based on the material or astronomical reality, but on metaphysical changes affecting a global mind that human beings are in resonance with.” In other words this calendar lets humanity know when major evolutionary change is unfolding on the concious of mankind, Gaia and all life upon her.
Approaching High Energy
“Our solar system is poised to intersect with a ribbon of high energy. This energy wave is new and humans have never experienced, nor are they prepared for what is about to occur by the end of March 2015.” Kryon, ( channelled by Lee Carol), provides an overview of what is about to occur in a channelling titled “Spiritual Evolution, the Coming Energy.”
The earth is protected by a magnetic grid. A grid recognized by science as essential for life. As the grid changes we therefore must change too. We are all connected.
According to Kryon the energy on the planet (the magnetic grid) has locked our DNA at approximately 34%. The magnetic grid postures everything to do with your DNA and currently our grid has us operating at 34% of our true potential. This is about to change.
“Locked into the human brain is brilliance and mastery.”
Our solar system is being immersed in a ribbon of energy as our solar system races around the galaxy. According to Kryon it is new and something that humanity has no experience with. This energy or radiation (since it is high energy) will first intercept the sun. Immediately the sun will change its energy and in turn blasted out to the planets, as well as earth, and intercepted by the magnetic grid. And in turn, the grid communicates to our DNA with brand new instruction sets. Just like a new operating system for humanity. It’s timing is measured by the Mayan Calendar and spoken through the legends of our ancestors.
The message is “unlock to 44%.”
According to Kryon this energy will allow “akashic acuity”. Meaning that the next time around we will remember who we were. We will be born with experience and wisdom. More importantly, as our DNA is unlocked we will begin to remember who we were and what we did mentally. We will retain our experience and wisdom, avoiding the mistakes and missteps we experienced in our previous life’s.
What this means is that we will have a great deal of akashic remembrance and undeniable wisdom. The veil as it exists today will be much more translucent as we accept and download our new concious programming. We will see the bullies on the planet for what they are and what they represent. We will work toward benevolent change for humanity and their natural environments.