Category: Geopolitics


Why Did Turkey Shoot Down the Russian Warplane?

“This was, for sure, a premeditated attack, it was not a response to an incursion, and it was a demonstration of intent – an act of war upon Russia. There simply was not time, or space, for it to have been otherwise.” Follow the Money! Russia-Insider |...


Why the “Middle Class” is a Myth

“[The] lack of upward mobility has jeopardized middle-class Americas basic bargain that if you work hard, you have a chance to get ahead. (from Obama’s May appearance on David Letterman)” The Middle Class? How do you define middle class? Is In this article by Alan...


The Lie We Live

The Age of Shocking Revelations? It seems to me more and more of us are awakening to the truth. Light is being cast upon the con to which we have been living for a long time. People are realizing they had been had. Enough is...